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The 3MMU is a three-point hydraulic tractor-mounted manége levelling unit.


The unit is fitted with a removable side-mounted dozer attachment to 'pull in' the build-up of material that naturally accumulates at the edges of the kicking boards.


The side Blade can also be used to redistribute shingle built up on the edges of paths.


The front row of adjustable depth-controlled spring tines tedder through the surface to alleviate any compaction build up.


The two rear bars ride over the surface, levelling out the arena.


Arrives assembled.

Other widths can be supplied to order.


If you require a manege leveller and are unsure which system will suit your surface, call the SCH advice line.

Mounted Manege Unit 60" - Ref 3MMU

VAT Included
  • Working Width 1500mm (60")
    Weight 40kg

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